Accepting the final version of an article
When a paper has been accepted for publication, you can move it away from the ‘in review’ section of the journal and you can send it to the ‘in editing’ section of the journal. This makes it easy to see which papers have been accepted for publication and which papers are still under review. Please note, however, that just because a paper is in the ‘in editing’ section does NOT mean that it has been sent to the copyeditor. This is a later step (see further on).
First, you need to select ‘Accept submission’ from the drop down menu and click record: The screen will refresh and you must click the little green envelope next to “Notify Author”. This will again refresh the page and you will be shown an automated email addressed to the author. If you have not yet informed the author of your decision to accept the paper (i.e. through your own private email system), now is the time to paste the decision email into this box (you can delete the automated email that pops up). You can also import any peer reviews from the last round by clicking ‘import peer reviews’. When you have arranged the email as you want it, click send. If you have already notified the author of the article’s acceptance through your own private email system, just click SKIP EMAIL.
You will now be taken back to the review tab. The next step is to select the version of the paper that you want to send to the ‘editing’ section of the OJS (i.e. the FINAL version of the paper that will eventually be copyedited).
To do this, select the ‘editor’ version then click ‘send’: Alternatively, if you are uploading a final version at a later date (i.e. the author has sent you the final version in an email) click “Choose file”, select the final version from your desktop (or wherever you saved it) and then click upload. The screen will refresh and there will be an option for you to select this new version before clicking send.
Once you have hit ‘send’, the paper will have moved from the ‘in review’ section of the journal to the ‘in editing’ section. This happens automatically once the page has refreshed. The screen will look like this:
Under the orange heading which says “Scheduling”, you need to select the future issue which the accepted paper is going to be published in from the drop down menu and click ‘Record’. This is extremely important, because when you assign the paper to an issue, the OJS automatically creates a DOI for the paper which will eventually appear on the final PDF version of the article that is published.
You will also see the article appear in the table of contents when you click on ‘future issues’: If the issue you want the paper to appear in is not appearing on the dropdown menu, contact one of the journal managers (Ailsa Parkin: who will be able to create the issue for you with no problem.
Sending a paper to a copyeditor
Once the paper has been assigned to the ‘in editing’ section, and it has been assigned to a future issue, you can send the paper onto the copyeditor responsible for copyediting your journal. Some editors choose to do this outside of the system (this is fine and suits most editors and copyeditors but you MUST ensure that you have assigned the paper to an issue in advance, thus creating the DOI).
Please note that regardless of if you use the system at this stage of production or not, most copyeditors like to receive ALL of the papers for an issue in ONE GO, so if you are planning to use the system to do this, you will have to wait until all of the papers have been accepted and assigned to an issue before completing this next step.
To send the paper to the copyeditor using the OJS, then, click the blue link which says ASSIGN COPYEDITOR. This will take you to a new screen where you can assign the relevant copyeditor:
When you have clicked ‘ASSIGN’, the screen will refresh again to show you the copyeditor has been assigned to the paper. However, the copyeditor is NOT notified of this until you click the green envelope which will have appeared below the ‘request’ heading. Click on the envelope and send the automated email. The paper has now been sent to the copyeditor and is in their hands.